viernes, 28 de junio de 2019

Mhh Delicious

It´s very difficult for me choosing only a food as my favorite, because I eat almost everything that has no zucchini, chard or cochayuyo. But If I must choose one I would say that I love Ceviche, by so many reasons, the first one is that I love eating fish, and ceviche could be made from some many kind of fishes, tuna, salmon, hake, etc. or with some crustaceans as shrimps, crab, lobster, etc.or toher animals as octopus or chicken. Other reason is that you could made it with veggie or vegan recipes, with lentils, beans, chickpeas, cochayuyo, avocado or tofu, instead of fish. A third reason is that I love the flavored food, and ceviche has a very strong flavor, cause is indispensable that it must have onion, garlic, lemon juice and coriander. I always add some red pepper, but if I can I put also yellow and green pepper, and then condiment with black pepper, merquén and obviously some salt. It´s very interesting how versatile could a food been, because it could be served as an entrance plate or background plate, and also it´s very healthy.

4 comentarios:

  1. I didn´t know that the ceviche could be vegan, it´s fantastic * - *
    and for other part, what is the chicken ceviche like? is the first time that I read about it.

  2. Ahh, that's great, it's been a while since I've eaten that dish. I also like it with chopped paprika and a lot of lemon juice.

  3. Made me a Vegan ceviche and I will love you until the end.
    I did not know that you like fish in that way but I'm sure that you do not like clams and mussels.
    You have to go to my grandmothers house, my aunt make the best ceviche ever

  4. I'd really like to cook a vegan ceviche for me, I think it's a greqt idea for vegan people
