miércoles, 24 de abril de 2019

Steven Universe

I think that Steven Universe is one of the best cartoons tv shows in the history, it could be seen on Cartoon network stream page, but I’m so poor or stingy to pay for it, so I see it in a fan blog, that update every episode in English, Latin Spanish or subtitled, even the same day of release. The show tells us the story of Steven a thirteen years old kid, that is half human by his father and half gem by his Mother, he must discover and control his gem powers and find out what or who he is and investigate what is his mother and its alien kind. I love the show because it’s a very beautiful and deep story teaching us about respect, love, friendship and family. Other reason is that the sound track it’s amazing, it makes me cry! And finally, it’s the first show on Cartoon network that shows homosexual relationships between characters.

My Cellphone

My favorite technological device is my cellphone, I like it because it allows me to do whatever I want, from almost every place I go. I have my banc account associated with my phone, so I can see my money every time I want, make transfers, pay bills or receive money from other people, it is very useful for me, cause my parents live in other region, and my mother often send me money by transference, so I can check it immediately. Other reason why I prefer my phone it’s that I love seeing videos on YouTube, share memes on Instagram, chat with my friends and send them stickers in WhatsApp. Maps and public transport application are indispensable for me, because Santiago is the biggest city in the country and is very easy to get lost in it, I could not survive without them!

lunes, 15 de abril de 2019


When I was a child I used to draw and paint on every book or notebook that I have, it  was a big trouble cause my teachers were very angry when they see all that cartoons and draws, so I decided to stop doing that, but I continued focused on the art class, I was known for being good at this subject. When was 13, I decided that I will study Plastic Arts in this university, my mother was very happy for me, but my father was angry about the idea that I won’t study a traditional career at the university, he even talked to me about the military service or Carabineros, but when he saw me paint and study art, he changed his mind, and felt proud about his artist son. Now he even talks about my artwork with his friends and colleagues.

lunes, 8 de abril de 2019

Hello. this is me.

My name is Juan José Salfate, I am 20 years old, I was born en San Vicente de Tagua Tagua in VI region, I lived a big part of my childhood at my Grandparent's house, because both of my parents worked the whole day, my father as a bus driver and my mom as a secretary. Then, when my tittle brother born, we moved together to our current house. Nowadays I'm living with my cousin in a apartment in the center of Santiago. I decided to study art, cause I always liked that subject at the school, and I was recognized for been good at it, so I helped my friends in their art projects and they help me in the most difficult subject that ever exist, Physics, I still can't understand any physics's formulas and I am not doing nothing to fix it.