lunes, 15 de abril de 2019


When I was a child I used to draw and paint on every book or notebook that I have, it  was a big trouble cause my teachers were very angry when they see all that cartoons and draws, so I decided to stop doing that, but I continued focused on the art class, I was known for being good at this subject. When was 13, I decided that I will study Plastic Arts in this university, my mother was very happy for me, but my father was angry about the idea that I won’t study a traditional career at the university, he even talked to me about the military service or Carabineros, but when he saw me paint and study art, he changed his mind, and felt proud about his artist son. Now he even talks about my artwork with his friends and colleagues.

3 comentarios:

  1. It's good that your dad has changed his mind, it's good to feel the support of the family. He should be proud of you if he talks with his friends about your work. I'm happy for you. :)

  2. I can't imagine you as a military maybe in a costume, haha. I agree with Paula, good that your dad change his mind because I'm sure that you will be an amazing artist.

  3. its very sweet to read the change that your father made regarding the decision you made <3
