lunes, 8 de abril de 2019

Hello. this is me.

My name is Juan José Salfate, I am 20 years old, I was born en San Vicente de Tagua Tagua in VI region, I lived a big part of my childhood at my Grandparent's house, because both of my parents worked the whole day, my father as a bus driver and my mom as a secretary. Then, when my tittle brother born, we moved together to our current house. Nowadays I'm living with my cousin in a apartment in the center of Santiago. I decided to study art, cause I always liked that subject at the school, and I was recognized for been good at it, so I helped my friends in their art projects and they help me in the most difficult subject that ever exist, Physics, I still can't understand any physics's formulas and I am not doing nothing to fix it. 

6 comentarios:

  1. It's true that the formulas of physics are shit, but understanding how the world works is cool hahahaha.

  2. Hi Juanjo I think that be in your Grandparent's house must be nice. I'd like to know San Vicente someday beacuse I went to the south Last year and I was looking only from the window of the bus the landscape. And reading you post I remember my Grandparents, they passed away years ago and sometimes I'd like to talk them.

  3. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  4. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  5. OMG juan josé I never imagine that you don't like physics such a surprise!. about your grandparents,I love your grandma it is a lovely person. I will like to go to San Vicente soon with mey haha im kidding. XO


  6. Juan Jose, please tell us more about living in the center of Santiago. It seems like a fun place to live, or not?
