sábado, 29 de junio de 2019

An Old Story

(Me on that time)

Well, this is the second time that I must write blogs, the first time was in 8th grade, in the technology class, in where we had to create a web page, using blogger, tumblr, or a white page. So, me and my group chose blogger, because it was the best option for our assignment, we had to create a page for book readers, in which we must post over 5 books, with its corresponding summary, reviews, and some images. In that time, we divided tasks, there were 4 of us, so 2 of my friends read books and made the summaries, the other one made the reviews, and I had to make the blog and post de different parts of our assignments, well for that test, I learn so much about blog programming so I learned the codes, and we made a very good blog, with external links to official books pages, and we made the blog for 6 books, cause my friends are fans of Game of thrones. Well with the passing of the years, 7 years now in 2019, it´s sad but I already forget everything about blog programming, and now writing about this, I have searched, and that blog still exist. 

viernes, 28 de junio de 2019

Mhh Delicious

It´s very difficult for me choosing only a food as my favorite, because I eat almost everything that has no zucchini, chard or cochayuyo. But If I must choose one I would say that I love Ceviche, by so many reasons, the first one is that I love eating fish, and ceviche could be made from some many kind of fishes, tuna, salmon, hake, etc. or with some crustaceans as shrimps, crab, lobster, etc.or toher animals as octopus or chicken. Other reason is that you could made it with veggie or vegan recipes, with lentils, beans, chickpeas, cochayuyo, avocado or tofu, instead of fish. A third reason is that I love the flavored food, and ceviche has a very strong flavor, cause is indispensable that it must have onion, garlic, lemon juice and coriander. I always add some red pepper, but if I can I put also yellow and green pepper, and then condiment with black pepper, merquén and obviously some salt. It´s very interesting how versatile could a food been, because it could be served as an entrance plate or background plate, and also it´s very healthy.

viernes, 21 de junio de 2019

Hot Metals

Nowadays, in my third year of my career, plastic arts, I have chosen to forge as a complementary workshop. This new area of work has taught me many new things. First, I learned how to bend metals. It’s amazing how a forge works. First, we must put the metal bars in an open oven, in a big flame, which turns the common metal into a red-hot bar, at that moment the metal must be taken out of the fire and brought to an anvil, in which, with the help of mallets, you must hit the bar until you give the desired shape. you can make points, curves, squares, circles, spirals, and even drawings. then, once the process is finished, the metal should be tempered, diving it in cold water to return it to room temperature. Other things that I learned in the workshop, was to cut using a grinder, in addition to learning to weld, it is a complex and dangerous process, but it is very satisfactory when you join the metal parts and that they do not separate.

viernes, 24 de mayo de 2019

Useful App

I think that I will choose Instagram as a good tool on my career,the reason why I chose it, is because it has so many images to see, and in my working area, Ceramics, is it necessary to get fresh references to create another art piece, to investigate material, tools and artists. Instagram have a useful interface because I can see images or videos, like it, share it or save it, that last option is incredible amazing cause I could find what I already seen every time I want. Other indispensable part of its interface is the following option, cause I can Follow the pages and get notified about every new photo that they update, see their stories and send messages to them. Another way of following is the Hashtag mode, in which you could follow a hashtag and get images from many pages that post a photo with the main topic of it, and by this way discover new profiles and information. And Other reason why I like it, is that I can share my work with the people. 

miércoles, 22 de mayo de 2019

Edgar Allan Poe

One of my favorites writers is Edgar Allan Poe, he was born in Boston on January 19th,1809. He was a short-stories writer so he didn´t write a book by himself, the book we all now “extraordinary stories” it´s a posthumous compilation of his writings. He is well known for being the creator of many of the classic horror stories. One of my favorites scary tales is “The Tell-Tale Heart” in this story a narrator tells us the story of a Butler who is obsess with the “vulture-eye” of his boss, so one day he decided to spy him by the door of his room, and very annoyed kill him and bury him under the floor below his bed. suddenly a pair of cops visit the house to see if it´s everything okay, and the nervous man makes them come in, then he guides them to the room and when they were inside he begins to talk about the day. suddenly the murder begins to hear a hearth beat that increases with the time, after thinking that all in there were hearing the loud sound he decided to confess his crime and show the dead body.

sábado, 4 de mayo de 2019

The Concert

I took this photo in 2015 at the National Stadium, it shows a smiley Rihanna giving her first and only concert in Chile. I was 16 years old when I told my mom, that I want to travel from our home, in San Vicente, to Santiago, to spend the day with my friends in Fantasilandia. She said “You are a child, there is no way you go there without us” so I said “well I’ll scape” and my father answered “yes, you are going there, when Rihanna (My favorite singer), come to this country, and that will not happen”, over a week later Rihanna announce that she will perform in Santiago. So, I took all my money, and buy the Cancha VIP ticket. On September 30 at 10Am I was in the queue with my friends. the fence that was in front of us was broken, so the street sellers gave us free products in change of let them in, so I have a poster, 2 necklaces, 2 rubber bracelets, 2 Rihanna’s dollars and 3 badges, also they gave us water bottles and ice pops. The concert was amazing, we were close to the stage and Rihanna was beautiful.   

miércoles, 24 de abril de 2019

Steven Universe

I think that Steven Universe is one of the best cartoons tv shows in the history, it could be seen on Cartoon network stream page, but I’m so poor or stingy to pay for it, so I see it in a fan blog, that update every episode in English, Latin Spanish or subtitled, even the same day of release. The show tells us the story of Steven a thirteen years old kid, that is half human by his father and half gem by his Mother, he must discover and control his gem powers and find out what or who he is and investigate what is his mother and its alien kind. I love the show because it’s a very beautiful and deep story teaching us about respect, love, friendship and family. Other reason is that the sound track it’s amazing, it makes me cry! And finally, it’s the first show on Cartoon network that shows homosexual relationships between characters.